we hopped on the bart and met up with jason in SF
we went to this place called delerium
it was poppin ha
we met a girl that reminded us of keisha
and when we went to the girl's bathroom we encountered a boy writing on the wall with chalk
we then demanded he write our names on the wall
he was way cool
after, we hit up a couple other bars
planned to go to the local tittay bar but never got around to it
we walked back to jason's truck and on the way we had a mad photoshoot
we sat on a couch on the street and jason said
"uhhh i wouldnt sit there, look at this trail."
but me and lauren completely disrgaurded what he had said and sat there anyway then we looked at eachother and said
"it smells like pee!"
we all got into the truck and began our mission over the bridge and bumped MIA and random girl songs on lauren's Ipod
when we got back to jasons we ate milano cookies, egg rolls, and took shots
we had nerf war II then lauren passed out
then we all took provocative photos
the last thing i remembered was jason looking at the time then announcing "i have work in a half an hour!" then proceeding to take a shot. that was 6:30ish
me and lauren passed out
when we woke up we noticed he was at work but were thrilled to find a map to the BART station
we got back and we went to chipotle [my first experience! it was gooood]
then i had my interview god i hope i get the job!!
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