Saturday, May 31, 2008

catch uppp

hmm its been a while, lets see...

-mall parties [BIG turnout]
-river parties
-yard house
-deep conversations
-ex boyfriends
-being rebound girl
-drunk texts
-phone wars
-mostly hanging out with andy, tom, austin, kelsi, and lauren
-"dumb water"
-smart water is my new favorite water by the way, its totally convenient!


-I'm spending too much money on chasers/i need to learn how to suck it up and take shots straight
-super walmart
-saw Sex in the City, it was cheesy and drug out too long can't say I wasnt expecting that though
-i wanna see Strangers
-i need to wash my hair more
-i totally owe tom a handle of skovar :\

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Ten days til my birthday!!

-me and lauren dressed up and went to the civic center to play tennis
-we discussed adult things and talked about our "nannies" and "husband" problems
-we took pictures on the court and took mega action shots
-went back to my house and threw POPITS on my drive way
-ran around my neighborhood
-this was all done COMPLETELY sober!!
-lauren left, went over to shannon's
-hung out with tom, kelsi, shannon, and austin
-drank and played pool and watched stand-up

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

my irony is

Plastic LOVE

I was a vegetarian selling veal
I was a girlfriend being unfaithful
I was slinging products I did not use
I dispersed advice I never used
I wrote love songs when I wasn’t in love
I am a cat person with a dog
I went to church when I didn’t believe
I am a failure determined to achieve
I was a fool with a high GPA
I am quiet with millions of words to say
I am the biggest liar and the worst
I am a tom boy with a purse
I am an introvert posing as an extrovert
I prefer cold places, born in a desert
I went to beauty school but HATE cutting hair
I am a lover pretending not to care


-Me and Lauren went to the SOS show
-got drunk in the car
-arrived then realized it was a christian show
-were uncomfortable and went out to the car to pregame more hah
-saw EVERYONE i knew
-decided to take out my lip piercing, i already regret it, but whateva
-reunited, mingled, denied being intoxicated
-popped squats around the corner of the show
-took pictures of our pee puddles
-went to Burger King with matthew and andy
-ate all of my food and some of everyone else's
-im for sure obese
-wrote scrambled text messages
-went home, woke up at 3:30 AM
couldnt go back to bed so i played super mario mini games til 6 in the morning
-read back my texts, they were rediculous haha
-i didnt mean anything i said, i just had no idea what I was saying
-i am so sick of mind games

Sunday, May 25, 2008


-family trip
-long beach 3 hour sea life cruise
-i took shots below the deck and in the bathroom ha
-it was awesome, i totally passed out on the boat
-we saw dolphins and sea lions
-sealions remind me of shadow
-went home
-i bought green and white bowls and plates. im so hyped on them :]

-i needa do something tonight
-im out of vodka againnnn. AYE

-wound up hanging with tom, kelsi, and austin
-wine & brass monkeys
-played guitar hero at estebans with cj & jaylee
-dropped cj &ray off
-went homeee

-drank and watched mean girls with lauren and andy
-went to wilber's show too early. it smelled like dirty weiner and tortillas
-la estancia
-deep conversations
-watched more entourage with matthew

Saturday, May 24, 2008


listen to the sea bear song on my playlist
when i get to seattle, im gonna focus on school, and making that type of music
i need to learn harmonica and better myself at guitar

looking on the brightside when there is no brightside

-hung out with andy drank
-bringing back text signatures and ghetto texts "wHerE dA pArtY @ bOi?"
-went to rubens friends house, ruben has a sick french mustache by the way.
-saw edward scissorhands in the flesh ha
-discussed physics with adriel, it was blowing my mind
-found the perfect beirut partner, i forget his name. he was dope
-dropped andy off
-went over to corys
-ate habenero dorritos
-saw good people
-played a drinking game, i still dont understand it

i have a better outlook on life. There is so much worse going on, its rediculous for me not to appreciate everything I have. I used to be sooo depressed like in high school and right after and i went to psychiatrist after psychiatrist, sampling anti depressants like wine and nothing helped. Now that I look back on it, no one could help me but myself. it disgusts me thinking i was so miserable when nothing unbearable was happening. I fucking appreciate everything soo much. I've become so much more positive. i wish everyone felt that way. There is honestly NO reason to have bad days when you have everything you need and everyone you love.

Friday, May 23, 2008

random things

The only movie at the river that me and Andy havent seen is harold and kumar. I cut my bangs, im in a rediculously good mood, i eat too much, i love the weather. i cant wait to move. im so anxious. i constantly look up furniture and want to buy everything. Handles are lasting less and less. We're at one handle for 2 days. Andy is SO funny. I wanna write a book about chasers, the do's and dont's.

-got drunk with carlos, lauren, wilber, and andy
-kumshakakhan vodkaaaa
-i saw the new indiana jones movie at midnight
-drank with tom in it
-we like to "mang" out and drink lava vodka

-hung out with andy, lauren, and cory at the cove park
-drank and swang
-too many confessions
-i still hate clyde but hes just so cute!!
-went to shannons
-grossss mixed drink only cause the coconut malibu. ew gross
-beat tom at pool
-went home

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

its wednesday, i feel fucking wacky

-monday was redbarn, vodka, and shuffleboard
-tuesday was movies and vodka

andys phone i think is shut off

im about to eatfresh

ive had this weird feeling since last night

i have this philosophy that certain people kind of sink over the months. Not necessarily because they chose to, just because you drown them out and let them go in your life. And just when you really feel theyve left your head, their distant memory floats back to the top. Just like any corpse would in a body of water. Its almost as if they even haunt you sometimes when you drink even though you were drinking them away. Its a sick cycle because you spend so long concealing and piling people over them however no matter what they're still at the bottom existing and you never rid of them. I just hope they never rid of me.

i need a drink :)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

super sober sunday!

sober called, wanted to hang out all day and nap
first day of 24 hour sober since over a month
i feel bad for my liver, REALLY
im winding down
but im gonna make my 21st phenomenal

Sunday, May 18, 2008

saturday 17

-worked, i asked my boss bob if he smoked weed back in his day. he said he loved grass and that he'd drop LSD and go to seminars. i respect that, haha
-went to the mall
-me and lauren took shots and ate frozen foods at my house
-we went over to shannons to pick up my phone
-tom went with us to the palm springs show
-we walked to rite aid to buy cheap alcohol and cigarettes even though none of us smoke haha
-the vodka we got was like fire in a clear liquid form.
-me and tom wandered into the sculpture place to see the enormous giraffes
-we sat on the floor and watched courtesy knave and hung out with everyone
- i tried the new blue amp with andy, itd be really good with UV blue raspberry i bet
-we went to the gas station and i tried the new purple amp, it tastes like children's tylenol
-tom slept in my car
-haha poor tom, i dropped him off in the morning and pretty much slept all day

friday may 16

-attempted to go to the palm springs show
-went over to kelsi's friend's house and hung out, they had no idea i was already drunk. id like to think i disguised myself as sober pretty well
-i sat on the swing with tom and he kept swinging, at one point i almost threw up but i refused to let him know i was drunk haha
-i also think they might have thought i was strange when i asked for a cup of juice
-me and kelsi had a good talk about life
-i went home/ left my phone there :(

Friday, May 16, 2008

wednesday and thursday


-street fair with johnny
-super walmart
-salsa verde dorritos
-fatburger lemonade
-adam's winner party
-vodka and wine spritzers
-fell in love with the boy that drove the beige vespa
-good talk with megan
-got kicked out of redbarn with andy


-hung out at andys
-watched him and his brother jam
-johnny is an awesome drummer
-drank & sampled movies
-went to the bowling alley
-ate chilli fries and didnt bowl
-people watched
-took shots
-went to danny's
-hung out with oscar, i never see him anymore :(
-went home

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

2s day

-met up with HOhnny and Andy at the mall
-more gourmet fries, more thunder thighs
-had some shots then went back to the mall only to realize there was nothing to do but buy a couple more handles.
-purchased 2 handles, 2 chasers, and hot funyuns/ the perfect party supplies
-went back to the mall, ate at pat and oscars
-river, ZZ came to hang out, andy agressively threw me off a chair
-zz left, snuck into the movies
-we saw the beginning of speed racer... it blewww
-we had no chasers so we took shots by themselves... dragons breathing fire
-walked into made of honor.. it was good but dumb johnny and andy were BORED
-went home, showered in cold water cause i was dieing of heat stroke then fell asleep

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

monday, june 12

-slept ALOT
-played video games
-drank and ran errands with andy and johnny
-tried the new spicy chicken wrap from wendys... its alright. they really liked it but they were high ha
-caught a matinee of "what happens in vegas" (it sucked, we walked out)
-i was being a drunk diva
-andy dumped my ass off haha
-i sat on the pool steps and made a really good song on guitar but now i've forgotten it
-went over to corys, we jammed and made a song about zombies and the devil
"hey liz, its the devil, where the party at?"
"sorry man, i gotta feed my cat"
"Oh... what about later?"
"uhhh.. sorry gotta feed my alligator."
-we went to walmart then the targ and cory shopped and bought super slick black slacks and a cheap ass guitar so we could jam. we contemplated trying the new cheeseburger flavored pringles but decided not to.
-i bought a new purse . its tight, i could fit a handle in it discreetly.
-the juno soundtrack is awesome!
-went back to corys, tuned his guitar, and played beautiful music
-went home, zzzzzz...

Monday, May 12, 2008


-watched lars and the real girl one more time
-walmart party is certainly no mall party
-pregamed in the parking lot haha
-went in to walmart with andy and johnny and stocked up on buffalo flavored pringles. I wanted to buy several cans but johnny wasnt having it and only allowed me to buy 3
-drank caliber vodka and tried the new orange amp flavor. its stupendous.
-we went to the river contemplating sneaking in but the old grumpy guy was watching the door
-then johnny ditched us at one point to which we didnt notice right away
-we were thoroughly offended
-me and andy sat at the bar stools in the theater lobby and discussed how i need to find a bro boyfriend since i havent ever dated one. He's gonna find a bro-hoe.
-mega prank calls
-played air hockey, andy won
-played race car game, i won
-played DDR, i won. Andy claims it was cause he didnt get how to play at first but im under the impression its because im a really talented dancer
-went over to carlos' and hung out with him and jaylee
-went home

Sunday, May 11, 2008

saturday night

-watched lars and the real girl AGAIN
-cost plus gifts
-went to the gas station and when i went to remove the nozzle from my tank, gasoline went every where. It was like a fucking super soak gun
-spent the rest of the night reaking of gasoline, gotta say i was quite light headed for a while there
-grandmas birthday bbq
-watched juno with andy and his siblings
-ate a chilli dog
-tried to find the definition of "double sec vodka"
-vodka & cran
-squeeze pop is the new alcohol disguiser
-beauty and the beast is the new black
-circle K , andy bought a forty
-decided mystery tornadoes are just too sketchy
-watched best of will ferrell SNL
-went home

Saturday, May 10, 2008

May 8/9

may 9

-i have dark hair again, its pretty tight. i wanted to throw up everytime i looked in the mirror and saw my strawberry blonde hair.
-im scene again... sike
-went to albertsons with carlos and got UV blue vodka and turtle food. ha weird combo
-went to the ignition show missed Something Vague due to certain reasons
pretty bummed cause it was the only reason i drove all the way to palm springs
-AND totally got ditched for a bar. story of my life, i fucking hate it!!
-that one band that had a harp player was awesome!
-the UN kids hate me, its quite amusing :)
-the owner of ignition asked about lauren, told him she was in italy, he's got a crush haha
-pounded 2 of andy's hot beers from his trunk
-had bathroom party with val and aileen
-gave jacky a lap dance
-I will continue to think Edgar is the ugliest name on the face of this planet.
-jacky and carlos bickered at one another
-i bought them jack in the box
-i <3 bacon cheddar potatoe wedges i just cant say the fucking name when im under extreme ordering pressure.
-dropped carlos off then proceeded to go to the gas station and buy hot funyuns
-im convinced im obese
-got home, a bunch of my brother's friends were over, i was pretty buzzed, I was like "what is this the white party??"
- hah Brenton had some smartass comment as usual
-i passed out and woke up at 4 AM as a water zombie then had to wake up for work at 7.

may 8

-helped jacky unload stuff
-when we said "hey carlos, wanna help assemble a couch?" we really meant hey carlos, wanna assemble a couch while me and jacky watch and take shots and dance around to the record player? haha
-went home, slept

Thursday, May 8, 2008

wack wednesday

-brothers birthday bash
-subway... eat FRESH
-bleached my hair AGAIN
-brothers baseball game.. he pitched & hes better than the chubby boy
-something vague video shoot/ default shoot in the mall parking structure haha
-me and johnny used mexican candy and mocked lady and the tramp
-bolin hated usss haha
-waited in the esmeralda parking lot and had MORE smart water
-picked up cory from work
-went to his house and watched him play grand theft auto and hung out with baby and took drunk pictures with her haha. shes a big ol' lesbian dog. she loves meee
-hung out with matthew and watched apocolypto.
-i watch alot of movies
-got home wayy late
- i had work the next day.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

tuesday may 6

-went to the mall and Andy got apps
-gourmet friesssss <3
-brother's birthday dinner at tony romas
-mexicans like chicken too
-went to carlos'
-watched "fernando" jam with andy
-more "smart" water
-drank and took the grand tour
-carlos gave us his portfolio postcard
-snuck into iron man
-carlos spoke to the movie screan
-people yelled and kicked our chairs
-meanwhile carlos yelled "i have a voice" haha
-we moved three times
-it was a gooood movie but it was way long
-at midnight Mike turned into a teenager
-i gave him a birthday hug at about 1 AM
-he was pissed i woke him up ha
-31 days til im fucking 21, finally.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Monday-- cinco de mayo!

-me, drew, and scott went to Disneyland
-for traditional purposes, drew and scott drank pacifico and we bumped the mexican station in the disneyland parkinglot
-the guy at the parking garage said "do you guys not wanna pay?" and just let us in for free, it was dope. ha
-i snuck a dasani bottle of vodka in. Im sneaky && crafty
-me and drew were maybe a little too hydrated for scott. poor scott
-we ate some good ass chilli dogs though
-got on all the rides
-the picture of scott and I on spacemountain was pretty much priceless. he looks like a warewolf meanwhile i looked like a craysee.
-drove back to the desert afterward in about an hour and a half . no joke. fastest time ever.


-Bought a nintendo DS cover. it was for the wrong one. Also got Lars and the real girl on DVD
-Andy came over and we watched it. He liked it i think. we were drunk
-we went to islands and apparently happy hour doesnt even exist sundays. lame.
-we ate alott
-we went to target and bought bathroom items such as deodorant, face wash, and toothpaste. I convinced Andy to convert to olay. haha
-these gay guys were trying to convince us to buy a back scrub
-it was a bit awkward. :)
-we brainstormed for a something vague video
-i napped
-drove down to long beach
-there is nothing like spontenaity
-saw a bit of borat "pamela, i am no longer attracted to you...NOT"
-i finally saw cloverfield again, this time i was sober
-i was right even when i was drunk and couldnt remember the monster or anything at all
-that movie sucks. i will continue to call it "clovergay"
-im so clever.


-went to andys
-andys momma bought me, johnny, and andy pizza
-we snuck into stagecoach
-all of us were too drunk
-this creepy man followed us for a bit and offered his vodka
-they didnt have margaritas
-i convinced the dude to give me straight rum cause i didnt want a disgusting unproportional mixed drink.
-johnny jumped the fence into the beer garden hahaha
-i didnt watch anyone play gross country music.
-johnny chugged what he thought was andy's beer but that too was rum. oops
-johnny attacked andy and they fought and rolled around the country music festival
-i bailed, andy followed.
-we went back to andys ate the remainder of the pizza and i passed out.


-boomers show
-smart water made me dumb
-prestige vodka is a scumbag
-something vague works well even as a 2 man band
-me, johnny lopez, and andy were reunited haha
-that dumb gguy from that dumb band with a big ego was talking shit to me for no reason
-i wanted to fight him then opted not to.
-hung out with alan and had a good talk.
-i miss him!
-went home


-a bit of a blur
-hung out at the tattoo shop
-met brandons grandparents
-in n out
-courteneys and justins place
-drinking games
-guitar hero
-pretty good night.


-Hung out at Andy's
-drank mamosas
-took shots of guess what? if you dont know by now, youre dumb. :]
-went with andy to pick up his red sentra rental car
-recorded a song. i played guitar/ vocals andy did keyboard/ vocals. we liked it but it might have just been that we were drunk. :P
-hung out with matt and watched all of 30 rockafeller and a whole season of entourage on DVD
-matt's parents are WAY nice.


-THE last genuine mall party :[ RIP
-went to olive garden had a couple rasberry vodka shots, i didnt need it
-im greedy
-went to the movies with andy
-we saw 2 movies for free
-forgetting sarah marshall and baby mama. im no movie critic but forgetting sarah marshall is phenomenal, its hilarious. Baby mama, not so much. i was dissapointed cause tina fey and amy poehler are awesome.


-me, cory, and brandon hung out
-cory bought heelys but never fell :(
-we went to cpk... i ate bread, heaps and heaps ha
-the invention of the drinking game forehead card, and nigga were invented by me and cory.
-i drank awful awful merlot and the entire bottle. it never got better either.
-a few of us went bowling
-i passed out in my car for about 3 hoursish
-brandon passed out on the bathroom floor
-we couldnt find him for a while.
-it was real funny.

April 25, 26, 27

coachella festered

-went all 3 days
-missed architecture in helsinki
-caught "kids" from MGMT
-kate nash, rilo kiley, yelle, prince, and a few others were really impressive
-ben gibbard still owes me a wedding
-i spent so much $$$ on margaritas. I sometimes wish when i was drunk i'd somehow
instantly become broke and phoneless.
-missed the cool kids due to trial body checks and intense drinking in the parking lot.
Even though I managed to sneak a water bottle full of vodka in.
-pre-gamed on the first day in traffic and while parked then proceeded to lose my car.
my car totally camped out til sunday morning. Sometimes i'm a fucking idiot
-saw Metric on sunday then bailed
-went to pizza hut party then hung out while i recited a UK accent. They were thoroughly
annoyed but marrissa had my back. HA