Monday-- cinco de mayo!
-me, drew, and scott went to Disneyland
-for traditional purposes, drew and scott drank pacifico and we bumped the mexican station in the disneyland parkinglot
-the guy at the parking garage said "do you guys not wanna pay?" and just let us in for free, it was dope. ha
-i snuck a dasani bottle of vodka in. Im sneaky && crafty
-me and drew were maybe a little too hydrated for scott. poor scott
-we ate some good ass chilli dogs though
-got on all the rides
-the picture of scott and I on spacemountain was pretty much priceless. he looks like a warewolf meanwhile i looked like a craysee.
-drove back to the desert afterward in about an hour and a half . no joke. fastest time ever.
-Bought a nintendo DS cover. it was for the wrong one. Also got Lars and the real girl on DVD
-Andy came over and we watched it. He liked it i think. we were drunk
-we went to islands and apparently happy hour doesnt even exist sundays. lame.
-we ate alott
-we went to target and bought bathroom items such as deodorant, face wash, and toothpaste. I convinced Andy to convert to olay. haha
-these gay guys were trying to convince us to buy a back scrub
-it was a bit awkward. :)
-we brainstormed for a something vague video
-i napped
-drove down to long beach
-there is nothing like spontenaity
-saw a bit of borat "pamela, i am no longer attracted to you...NOT"
-i finally saw cloverfield again, this time i was sober
-i was right even when i was drunk and couldnt remember the monster or anything at all
-that movie sucks. i will continue to call it "clovergay"
-im so clever.
-went to andys
-andys momma bought me, johnny, and andy pizza
-we snuck into stagecoach
-all of us were too drunk
-this creepy man followed us for a bit and offered his vodka
-they didnt have margaritas
-i convinced the dude to give me straight rum cause i didnt want a disgusting unproportional mixed drink.
-johnny jumped the fence into the beer garden hahaha
-i didnt watch anyone play gross country music.
-johnny chugged what he thought was andy's beer but that too was rum. oops
-johnny attacked andy and they fought and rolled around the country music festival
-i bailed, andy followed.
-we went back to andys ate the remainder of the pizza and i passed out.
-boomers show
-smart water made me dumb
-prestige vodka is a scumbag
-something vague works well even as a 2 man band
-me, johnny lopez, and andy were reunited haha
-that dumb gguy from that dumb band with a big ego was talking shit to me for no reason
-i wanted to fight him then opted not to.
-hung out with alan and had a good talk.
-i miss him!
-went home