Tuesday, May 27, 2008


-Me and Lauren went to the SOS show
-got drunk in the car
-arrived then realized it was a christian show
-were uncomfortable and went out to the car to pregame more hah
-saw EVERYONE i knew
-decided to take out my lip piercing, i already regret it, but whateva
-reunited, mingled, denied being intoxicated
-popped squats around the corner of the show
-took pictures of our pee puddles
-went to Burger King with matthew and andy
-ate all of my food and some of everyone else's
-im for sure obese
-wrote scrambled text messages
-went home, woke up at 3:30 AM
couldnt go back to bed so i played super mario mini games til 6 in the morning
-read back my texts, they were rediculous haha
-i didnt mean anything i said, i just had no idea what I was saying
-i am so sick of mind games

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