Tuesday, May 6, 2008

April 25, 26, 27

coachella festered

-went all 3 days
-missed architecture in helsinki
-caught "kids" from MGMT
-kate nash, rilo kiley, yelle, prince, and a few others were really impressive
-ben gibbard still owes me a wedding
-i spent so much $$$ on margaritas. I sometimes wish when i was drunk i'd somehow
instantly become broke and phoneless.
-missed the cool kids due to trial body checks and intense drinking in the parking lot.
Even though I managed to sneak a water bottle full of vodka in.
-pre-gamed on the first day in traffic and while parked then proceeded to lose my car.
my car totally camped out til sunday morning. Sometimes i'm a fucking idiot
-saw Metric on sunday then bailed
-went to pizza hut party then hung out while i recited a UK accent. They were thoroughly
annoyed but marrissa had my back. HA

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