Tuesday, May 13, 2008

monday, june 12

-slept ALOT
-played video games
-drank and ran errands with andy and johnny
-tried the new spicy chicken wrap from wendys... its alright. they really liked it but they were high ha
-caught a matinee of "what happens in vegas" (it sucked, we walked out)
-i was being a drunk diva
-andy dumped my ass off haha
-i sat on the pool steps and made a really good song on guitar but now i've forgotten it
-went over to corys, we jammed and made a song about zombies and the devil
"hey liz, its the devil, where the party at?"
"sorry man, i gotta feed my cat"
"Oh... what about later?"
"uhhh.. sorry gotta feed my alligator."
-we went to walmart then the targ and cory shopped and bought super slick black slacks and a cheap ass guitar so we could jam. we contemplated trying the new cheeseburger flavored pringles but decided not to.
-i bought a new purse . its tight, i could fit a handle in it discreetly.
-the juno soundtrack is awesome!
-went back to corys, tuned his guitar, and played beautiful music
-went home, zzzzzz...