Monday, June 9, 2008

deep breaths

okay im stressed, like really really stressed. I'm trying to book a flight to seattle at the end of july. Everything has started to hit me. I can't breathe right. i decided to go to central seattle community college instead of south. Its pretty much in downtown seattle so its going to be extremely expensive. My mom wants me to move out a whole month before so i can get settled in and be able to focus when fall semester starts. Since school starts september 22nd, that means id move out late august. SHYITT thats soon and all i have is dishes and a blender!


-i wont be able to find a job
-i'm going to be totally lost for a while
-that i wont do well in school
-that i'll be alone
-i wont be able to take the weather
-nostalgia will kill me


-I'll finally be somewhere else
-I'll grow up alot being that my parents wont be there
-I'll be getting closer to a career i actually wanna have
-I'll meet new people
-I'll be surrounded by an amazing music scene
-I'll hang out with alan in canada
-I'll always get rain
-my atmosphere will be completely opposite

okay i feel better now

1 comment:

Andy said...

yay fun! Seattle looks really cool.