Wednesday, June 11, 2008


-tennis match
-sober parking lot parties
-small dogs
-matthew in short PE shorts
-enormous bugs
-carlos' place & red cups ith H2O!!
-midnight chimichanga

-applied to 2 schools
-corys house
-too much food
-strawberry margarita
-NEVER getting carded!!
-walk to toys r us

-melting outside
-TJ's bbq/ big reunion :]
-ryan in boxer briefs
-making me uncomfortable haha
-cory loses pants
-cory finds pants
-"liz hands out HJs like lollipops at a dr's office"
-woo prestige and spicy assorted chips
-neils with andy cory and lauren
-stopping men from bathroom wars
-stealing andy's beer
-midnight chimichanga

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