Saturday, June 28, 2008

hellaaa shitty

wed, thurs, fri is sort of a blur
some dumb chicken fucker busted my car window and stole my stereo and ipod
it does sorta make me wanna kill myself when i drive around in silence and part of my window breaks off a little more everytime i close the door. But i have to be greatful that those assholes didnt harm me or anyone else. AAANYWAY ive been in a quiet mood lately. I can't help it. I'm just really pensive and stressed constantly. Its totally not like me. I'm a mellow person, it weirds me out.

Friday night was ignition show. i hated andy and walked out on his show
we started up the "andy sucks" chant. EVERYONE was in it. I felt bad but it was way funny and it was all out of good fun. We went down to JD's landing and had a ghettoass margarita for 6 bucks a piece. the bartender was an idiot. went back to ignition hung out with strangers and took pics. Drove back to PD and me, lauren, carlos, and linda sang selena at the top of our lungs. Went over to the UN house. it was chill. Wonder how tonight will turn. We'll probably end up at the red barn.

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